join friends of strings!By joining Friends of Strings, you help support music education through one of the finest string orchestra programs in the state of Texas. With your gift, you help our dedicated music faculty maximize their resources, keeping the program a great experience for as many students as possible. Friends of Strings sponsors competitions and scholarships, encouraging young musicians to reach for their potential. The group also raises funds to host the annual district-wide concert, a highlight of the year for our students and families. We also make enrichment’s like day trips and group tours possible, giving students opportunities to simply have a good time together.
Simply fill out the electronic form below to donate or download the membership form, then mail it with your check. Make Your Donation Online!
Simply click on the PayPal Button below to donate. |
Mail FOS Membership Form with Check to: FOS Treasurer, Kari Bissmeyer, 18 Sheringham, San Antonio, TX 78218