FOS supports
over 800 students
6 teachers
85 hrs per student per school year in formal instruction
4 school campuses
Over 27 concerts
Music clinics
Mock auditions
Regional and school auditions Orchestras
Guest artists, Recitals UIL, and scholarship competitions
Since 1973, the AHISD Strings program has grown 40 times larger than the original 18 students. Today there is a a student to teacher ratio of 1 to 133. We learned tonight that AHISD can look to expanding further as there are over 400 elementary school students, including over 20 Bass players in the 4th grade. How exciting is that?
So the program is alive and impacting kids everyday but is reliant on your support to continue providing high quality musical instruction and student support.
As a non-profit, volunteer organization, Friends of Strings aids strings teachers in training your children to play their instruments, offering them a valuable and enriching education in the field of music. This year, Friends of Strings has set a specific goal of raising an additional $15,000 to address budget shortfalls.
Your donation makes a difference.
#AHISDMyStory #GoPublic Alamo Heights Independent School District Cambridge Elementary PTO Woodridge Elementary PTO Alamo Heights Junior School PTO Alamo Heights High School